TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome.

IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of Mr Derek Muir of 52 Hillend Road, Clarkston. Mr Muir’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 13th July at 2pm at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Mr Muir’s family and friends in your prayers.

A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm TONIGHT – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.

THE JUNE PRESBYTERY REPORT is available in the Centenary Chapel for those members of the Kirk Session who have not received it by email.

THE LODGING HOUSE MISSION was extremely grateful for the large donation of home baking which they received on Monday 27 June. This was baking which was surplus to requirements at the service the previous evening to install Jeanne as Moderator of Glasgow Presbytery.

VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS would be much appreciated. A new list is available in the Centenary Chapel and if you would be willing to read the lesson please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings. Thank you.

GLASGOW NE FOODBANK – Donations of tinned, packet and UHT food would be warmly welcomed. Donations can be placed in the boxes situated in the Hall of Friendship or the Link Building.

Alex Howie (638 5169).

TEA/COFFEE ROTA VOLUNTEERS STILL REQUIRED: The rotas available for 2016 in the Centenary Chapel. If your organisation is able to help please add your details opposite the date/s of your choice.

GRASPING THE NETTLE DINNER EVENT in association with the main churches in Scotland on Thursday 1st September at Glasgow City Hotel. 6.30pm Reception; 7pm Dinner; £36 p.p. with after-dinner guest speaker, Professor N. T. Wright. To book visit or phone 01506 827217. Individual or block bookings available for table s of ten. For more info contact

Very Rev. John Chalmers, Chairman, Grasping the Nettle

THE FLOWER LIST FOR 2016 is available on the transept windowsill. Anyone wishing to donate flowers is invited to add their name at the date of their choice.

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls any time during the week. You can also complete the online for here.


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