TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service.
All welcome.
AT ALL CHRISTMAS SERVICES THERE WILL BE A RETIRING OFFERING IN AID OF C.H.A.S. The Children’s Hospice Association Scotland [CHAS] provides the only hospice service in Scotland for children and young people with life limiting conditions. A children’s hospice offers professional care, practical help and emotional support to the whole family usually from the day of acceptance to the death of their children and beyond. If you wish to Gift Aid your retiring offering, envelopes for this purpose can be found at the end of the pews.
VOLUNTEERS ARE REQUIRED TO ASSEMBLE CHRISTINGLES for the Children’s Christmas Eve Service. If you can spare a few minutes, we will meet in the Hall of Friendship to assemble them next Sunday, 23 December, after morning service.
REMEMBERING LOVED ONES AT CHRISTMAS – Christmas Remembrance Tree – there are cards available in the Centenary chapel for anyone who wishes to commemorate a loved one by adding their name to the tree.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who contributed in any way to the ‘Christmas at the Manse’ morning which took place last week. £550 will be sent to Ekwendeni to help the Sight Impaired Residential Unit at the Primary School in their fundraising for a bore hole to allow them access to a private water supply.
SUNDAY CLUB & JAM would like to thank everyone who donated gifts for Church House, SACRO and the Princess Royal Maternity Unit. Each organisation was extremely grateful to receive the gifts, stating what a difference they would make to those receiving them. They also asked me to pass on their good wishes for all at Greenbank to have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The gifts will be given to the Mums and babies, children and young people before Christmas. H Howard
THE CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE OPEN on Tuesday to Friday of the coming week (9am-2.30pm) but closed on Monday.
A FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS will take place tonight, Sunday 16th December at 7pm.
SUNDAY 23RD DECEMBER – everyone is welcome to join our Family Christmas Carol Service at 10.30am, when we will be singing a medley of our favourite carols. Children can also enjoy Christmas crafts during the service.
CHILDREN’S CHRISTINGLE & CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE: 6.30pm; CHRISTMAS EVE WATCHNIGHT SERVICE: 11.30pm; [Mulled wine in halls from 11pm]. Christmas Day Family Worship at 10.30am; Sunday 30th December, Family Worship at 10.30am.
THE JANUARY ISSUE OF LIFE& WORK MAGAZINE will be available from today,Sunday 16th December. Would subscribers please uplift their copies from the Flower Room as the next Good Neighbour delivery will be the February issue. Subscription renewal details are enclosed within this the January Issue. Cheques should be made payable to Greenbank Parish Church, enclosed in the envelope provided and placed in the Church offering bags. The cost of Life &Work will increase by 30p per monthly issue from January 2019. This increase will result in an annual subscription of £33.60 for 2019. I do hope this meets with your approval. Many thanks to all subscribers to Life & Work Magazine for your continued support. Ian McTurk
THE SUNDAY MORNING TEA ROTA IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR 2019 in the Centenary Chapel. If you or your organisation can help for one or more Sundays please add your details opposite the date/s of your choice.
VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS would be much appreciated. Please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. You will be contacted on the Friday of the preceding week with the readings.
CHURCH TRANSPORT – There is currently an urgent need for a driver for the Greenbank Church transport rota. The duty would involve picking up passengers 1 week in 6 and bringing them to and from the Sunday morning service. Passengers greatly appreciate this facility, without which many would not be able to attend church regularly. If you can help, please contact Mark Allan on 638 3916.
GLASGOW N.E. FOODBANK is now looking for volunteers to help with sorting and packing the various donations we receive at our Parkhead Church hub. If you would like to help on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday please call Alex Howie on 01416385169 or Tara Maguire Foodbank Project Manager on 07745242738. Information can also be found at
SINCERE THANKS to everyone for again supporting the sale of Christmas cards to raise funds for the Lodging House Mission. The Greenbank congregation purchased a total of 262 packs, at a total cost of £1012! Thank you for your support. Alison Allan
THE FRIENDSHIP CAFE – next meeting is Friday, 11th January, starting at 10am. Blair Miller (577 5449)
CHILDREN ARE MOST WELCOME to remain in church for the duration of the service however, if parents would prefer, we provide a CRÈCHE for children under 3 years of age in Room C, behind the stage in the church halls, for the duration of the service on Sundays when the Sunday Club meets.
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK; or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the letterbox at the entrance to the halls.
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