The Colour Circle
Colour Circle at Clarkston

The Colour Circle meets on Tuesdays from September till May with a morning (9am-12noon) and an afternoon (1pm-4pm) session. Members bring along their materials and their current project to work on in an open and light space of the Church’s Fraser Hall. Advice on technique can be provided and members encourage each other in their endeavours.

There is also the opportunity to Join in a teaching session where participants paint the same picture in stages which introduces new techniques or enhances the old ones. In addition there are demonstrations by professional artists as well as short teaching programmes on DVD.

The Colour Circle also holds an exhibition and sale of its work once a year so you can come along and see the fruits of their labours. Part of the proceeds of sales goes to CHAS (The Children’s Hospice Association Scotland).


If you would like to get involved with the Colour Circle, please use the form below. There is a waiting list to join as it is a popular activity but please do not let this discourage you. Absolute beginners and tentative dabblers a warmly welcomed.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Which Group are you interested in?

    Any further information you would like to add?

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