
Apr 2016
plant sale clarkston greenbank churc clarkstonh

The Annual Sunday Club Plant Sale & Coffee Morning. There will be a wide selection of bedding plants all Professionally supplied to the Sunday club and waiting to be planted in your garden. This is the Sunday Club’s main fund-raising event of the year and your support will be very much appreciated. We would greatly appreciate gifts of home-baking and all the help and support we can get from parents and friends. Anyone who would like to help please contact Hilary or Douglas Carswell (0141 644 1099)...

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Apr 2016

TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome. DISTRICT VISITORS are asked to collect their copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today please. AFTERNOON TEA, ENTERTAINMENT & BAKE SALE: Come and support the 3rd A Clarkston Guides this afternoon at 2pm in the church halls. Entrance £2. NEW DISTRICT VISITORS ARE REQUIRED FOR DISTRICT 36 (BROOM/WHITECRAIGS). If you can help contact Margot or Gordon Blyth (638 7646). INTIMATIONS CONT’D 24/4/16 TEA/COFFEE ROTA VOLUNTEERS STILL REQUIRED: The......

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Apr 2016

INTIMATIONS 17/4/16 TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome. It is with sadness that we announce the death of one of our members, Mrs Rita Ronaldson Broomhill Gardens, 8 Shaw Court, Newton Mearns. Mrs Ronaldson’s funeral service will take place on Thursday 21st April at Linn Crematorium. You are invited to remember Mrs Ronaldson’s friends and family in your prayers at this sad time. OUR MINISTER IS ON ANNUAL LEAVE from Thursday14th April to Thursday 21st April inclusive. Until Thursday 21st April please......

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Apr 2016
Church Of Scotland Logo

The Rev. Jeanne Roddick, Minister of  Greenbank Parish Church has been appointed as Moderator of Glasgow Presbytery for 2016/2017. Warmest congratulations from everyone at Greenbank to Jeanne on being awarded this honour. She takes up her new office in June....

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Apr 2016
John Meek Our Church Officer

Our beloved Church officer, John Meek, was surprised this morning with a presentation by Rev. Jeanne Roddick on behalf of the church to mark 25 years service to Greenbank. He does not like being in the limelight, so the presentation was a closely guarded secret and he was caught unawares as he escorted the baptismal party into the chancel at the beginning of the service. Congratulations John and many thanks from all of us at Greenbank....

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Apr 2016

TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome. IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of one of our members, Mrs Phyllis Walker of Eastwood Court Care Home, Giffnock. Mrs Walker’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 13th April at 11am at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Mrs Walker’s family and friends in your prayers. TODAY WE WELCOME the friends and family of Laura and Fraser and their daughter, Ella Patricia Simpson. Ella will be baptised this morning. We pray that as she......

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Apr 2016

TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome. DISTRICT VISITORS, who have not already done so, are asked to collect their copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept. ARTICLES FOR THE MAY EDITION OF GOOD NEIGHBOUR should be received at the Church Office by Tuesday 5th April if at all possible (after 5th April the secretary will be on holiday). Please send any later articles to Alison Harvey ( or Jill Liddell ( Please note that the......

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Mar 2016
Christian Aid Logo

The recent 36th annual Christian Aid Art Exhibition and Sale took place in Carmichael Hall on Saturday 12th March. Once again it was well supported by local and invited artists who entered approximately 300 art works. The event was very busy with the tea room area well filled for much of the day. A particular thank you must   deservedly go to the willing volunteers who helped serve many cups of tea and coffee throughout the event. Figures are still to be finalised for the total sales including home baking, craft stalls, and......

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Mar 2016

TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome. URGENT – WE HAVE NO VOLUNTEERS FOR TEA/COFFEE DUTY FOR EASTER SUNDAY. Please help by adding your name/s to the rota in the Centenary Chapel. TODAY WE WELCOME the friends and family of Lyndsay and David and their son, Lucas Alexander Aitken. Lucas will be baptised this morning. We pray that as he seeks to follow Jesus, Lucas will know His love and presence in his life. KIRK SESSION MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 7TH MARCH......

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Mar 2016
Holiday Club

HELP, HELP, HELP, HELP, HELP! Holiday Club time is here again! Get your winter woollies out and join the Polar Explorers. The Holiday Club is on from Monday the 11th till Friday 15th April. If you can help out, even for just one day, we would be delighted to have you. All Welcome. Please contact Alison Harvey if you are able to help....

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