Sep 2016
All members of the congregation are invited to donate non-perishable food items to the LHM at our Harvest service on Sunday 2nd October. Items from the following list would be much appreciated:- Cereal (Corn flakes, Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, Weetabix, Rice Krispies, Sugar Puffs, Frosties, Coco Pops, Porridge), Tinned Soup (Chicken, Tomato, Lentil, Scotch Broth, Vegetable, Minestrone), Tinned Meat / Fish (Tuna, Ham, Corned Beef, Meatballs, Hotdogs, Stew, Haggis), Tinned Pasta (Ravioli, Macaroni), Tinned Vegetables (Tomatoes, Carrots, Peas, Sweet Corn, Mixed Vegetables, Baked Beans, Potatoes, Pasta Sauce, Curry Sauce), Tinned Fruit (Peaches, Pears, Pineapple,......
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Sep 2016
LODGING HOUSE MISSION: Thanks to our cyclists, marshals and sponsors for supporting the annual sponsored cycle event on Saturday, 3rd September. The total from Greenbank currently stands at £684. This is a wonderful amount which will increase with Gift Aid. Please pay any outstanding sponsor money as soon as possible. ...
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Sep 2016
CHRISTIAN AID SPONSORED SWIM: The annual sponsored swim will take place on Saturday 8th October at Eastwood swimming pool. Sponsor forms are available from the Hall of friendship, and from Mark Allan and Ron Livingston. Please lend your support to this fun event by taking part or by sponsoring one or more of our participants. Thank you once again in anticipation of your support for Christian Aid. Mark Allan...
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Aug 2016
URGENT APPEAL: Greenbank has been invited to join St Joseph’s church to support the Edinburgh charity Re-act who need people to donate basic items for the refuges who arrive with nothing on the Greek island of Samos. The following items are urgently needed: socks, summer hats and underwear for all ages, towels, sunscreen, nappies of all sizes, baby cream, soap and push chairs (strollers). Small donations of money can be accepted to buy items from the list. The collections will be on 4th, 11th, and 18th September for transfer to Re-act to meet......
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Aug 2016
THE ANNUAL Lodging House Mission Sponsored Cycle will take place on Saturday, 3rd September. We have 5 participants taking part this year so far. Please support the LHM by sponsoring them or by joining them. A sponsor form is available in the Fraser Hall during tea and coffee, or you can obtain a registration form for the event from me if you would like to take part. This is a great opportunity to raise funds for the LHM. This year the event will end at the LHM, so this is a wonderful......
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Jun 2016
As I am sure you all know, our minister, Rev. Jeanne Roddick is in Malawi with pupils of Williamwood School. She is managing to send some updates and we will try and keep you up to date on the following page: Malawi Blog...
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May 2016
SAINSBURY’S ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS are being collected by John Meek for B.B. equipment. There is a designated box in the Hall of Friendship. As the last date for redemption is the 8th July, if you have any vouchers left at home, please can you give John any remaining vouchers. Many thanks...
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May 2016
GLASGOW NE FOODBANK has had wonderful support from Greenbank and once again is looking for further donations. This year the amount going out has been increasing and the foodbank is giving out 200-400Kg per month more than it’s gets in. Donations of tinned, packet and UHT food would be warmly welcomed. Donations can be placed in the boxes situated in the Hall of Friendship or the Link Building. Also the foodbank is running a donations day at Asda Parkhead Forge on Saturday 21st May. If anyone want to help out please contact Alex Howie......
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Apr 2016
Annual General Meeting I attended the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Lodging House Mission at their premises on Wednesday, 6th April. The business section of the evening included the re-election of three existing directors – Barbara Normand, Very Rev William Hewitt and R. Findlay. The financial situation was highlighted. A copy of the 2015 financial summary is displayed on the noticeboard in the corridor outside the Fraser Hall. Due to generous legacies, they can enjoy some financial stability in the coming year. They are considering a programme of planned outstanding building......
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Apr 2016
Malawai 2016 This year I will be accompanying a group of 5th year pupils to Ekwendeni in Malawi to undertake project work in the Primary School and to deliver a Bible School –Holiday Club. Last year the hospital in Ekwendeni was extremely grateful for donations of Paracetamol and ibuprofen tablets which I took out for their Pharmacy Department. These are much needed painkillers which cost very little in this country ,often as little as 25p or 30p. If you would like to donate some packets of these painkillers, a box......
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