
Bookbug Sessions
Bookbug Sessions in Clarkston East Renfrewshire

When: Thursdays at 9.30am

Where: Greenbank Church Halls (someone is usually there to direct you)

Bookbug sessions offer free, fun and friendly opportunities for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and their families and carers to enjoy songs, rhymes, stories and books together. This is a national programme supported by the Scottish Book Trust.

Benefits of Bookbug

Sharing stories, songs and rhymes with your child has many wonderful benefits. It’s lots of fun and even just a few minutes a day will:

Develop your child’s language skills
Give you time to cuddle and help you bond with your child
Help you and your child feel more relaxed
Boost your child’s confidence
Encourage your child to draw and write
Give your child a head start in life.

Bookbug Sessions in Clarkston

There are presently two trained Bookbug leaders in Greenbank as well as willing helpers. We also offer some time after the session for the adults to chat together over a cup of tea or coffee while the children explore the books or play. Anyone with a baby, toddler or pre-school child is welcome to come along and join in. The children really enjoy the experience as well as benefit from it – as you can see from the photographs.


For further information contact us throughout this website or phone Jane in the church office (weekday mornings except Wednesday) on 644 1841.

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