Author Archives: Greenbank Church

Greenbank Church

in Church, Intimations


TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome. DISTRICT VISITORS are asked to collect their copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off...

April 24, 2016
Church Of Scotland Logo
in Church, News

Minister Appointed Moderator

The Rev. Jeanne Roddick, Minister of  Greenbank Parish Church has been appointed as Moderator of Glasgow Presbytery for 2016/2017. Warmest congratulations from everyone at Greenbank to Jeanne on being awarded this honour. She takes up...

April 13, 2016
John Meek Our Church Officer
in Church, News

25 Years Service

Our beloved Church officer, John Meek, was surprised this morning with a presentation by Rev. Jeanne Roddick on behalf of the church to mark 25 years service to Greenbank. He does not like being in...

April 13, 2016
in Church, Intimations


TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome. IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of one of our members, Mrs Phyllis Walker of Eastwood...

April 10, 2016
in Church, Intimations


TEA AND COFFEE will be served in the Fraser Hall after the morning service. All welcome. DISTRICT VISITORS, who have not already done so, are asked to collect their copies of Good Neighbour and Life...

April 04, 2016
in News

Date For Your Diary

THURSDAY 5th MAY 2016 at 7.30pm On Thursday 5th May at 7.30pm, a 60-strong choir from the Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium (High School) in Nagold, near Stuttgart, Germany will be performing in Greenbank. The youngsters are very musical...

March 30, 2016