8th September 2019 Intimations

Church Service Intimations

IT IS WITH SADNESS that we announce the death of one of our members, Mrs Elizabeth Brash (Betty) of Mearns House, Newton Mearns. Mrs Brash’s funeral will take place on Thursday, 12th September at Ayr Cemetery at 10am followed by a service at Greenbank at 11.30am. Please remember Mrs Brash’s family and friends in your prayers.

ARTICLES FOR THE OCTOBER EDITION OF GOOD NEIGHBOUR should be received at the Church Office by Sunday 15th September.

ANYONE WILLING to take on the task of DISTRICT VISITOR in the new district 69 (8 homes in Newton Mearns) please contact Margot or Gordon Blyth (638 7646).

THE FIRST MEETING OF THE NEW SESSION OF THE GREENBANK FILM SOCIETY will be held on Monday evening, 9th September at 7.30pm in the Session House. The film to be shown is the ever-popular Western comedy drama, ‘Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid’, starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford. This Oscar-nominated movie is a must-see. All welcome.

THE NEXT OUTING OF THE GREENBANK WALKING GROUP will take place next Saturday, 14 September, when we will be going to Overtoun House, near Dumbarton.  We aim to do a couple of walks within the spacious grounds, one of which involves a gradual climb with rewarding views over the Clyde.  We will be leaving the church at 10am.  If you are interested in joining us, please call Jane Livingston (586 6272) or Helen Millar (644 1266) to arrange transport.

TOUR OF THE NEW PRINCE & PRINCESS OF WALES HOSPICE – if you would be interested in a tour of the new hospice please phone the church office on 0141 644 1841 (leave a message if out-with office hours) or email: greenbank.office@tiscali.co.uk

CROSSREACH NEWS is available on the table in the Hall of Friendship. The CrossReach prayer diary and catalogue of Christmas cards and calendars is also on the table.

PETER HOWARD will be giving an ORGAN CONCERT at Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum on Saturday 14th September at 1pm.

TEA/COFFEE ROTA: Volunteers required for September.

CHURCH CHOIR PRACTICES have resumed on Thursdays at 7.30pm in the church. Anyone who hasn’t sung with the choir before and is interested in joining please come along, or speak to the organist for further information.

VOLUNTEERS TO READ THE BIBLE LESSONS OVER THE NEXT 3 MONTHS – A new ‘Bible Reader list’ is available in the Centenary Chapel; please add your name and telephone number to the service of your choice. You will be contacted during the preceding week with the readings.

THE ANNUAL SPONSORED SWIM FOR CHRISTIAN AID Saturday 5th October at Eastwood swimming pool from 6-7.30pm. Sponsor forms available from Mark Allan and Ron Livingston or from the table in the Hall of Friendship. Children under the age of 8 are welcome but must be accompanied by a competent adult swimmer. Entry free for participants & tea, coffee, juice & biscuits/crisps are available after event. M. Allan (638 3916)

MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT – COFFEE MORNINGGlasgow Presbytery Office staff Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support @ Garthamlock and Craigend Parish Church on 22nd November and would welcome any donations of knitted items for one of their stalls. Items can be left at Greenbank’s church office.

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK, or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, is invited to fill out one of the POSTCARDS placed on the pew boards. Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members at the church door or posted through the halls entrance letterbox.


CONCERT: “MUSIC FOR SAXOPHONE: OLD & NEW”, Thursday 12th September @ 7.30pm, Giffnock South Parish Church, featuring Richard Scholfield & fellow students & staff of RCS.

Opportunity to be a WALK LEADER VOLUNTEER for East Renfrewshire.

GIFFNOCK THEATRE PLAYERS – THE MATCHMAKER – a farce of a play by Thornton Wilder, Eastwood Park Theatre, Wed 16th-Sat 19th October.



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