6th October Intimations
by office
TEA & COFFEE is served in the Fraser Hall after the service-all welcome.
THE FUNERAL SERVICE of Mrs Mary Mackay, of Kingsgate Nursing Home, Glasgow Road, East Kilbride, whose death was intimated last week, will take place on Tuesday 8th October at 10am at Linn Crematorium. Please remember Mrs Mackay’s family and friends in your prayers.
GREENBANK’S 135th BIRTHDAY CAKE will be cut this morning by Mr Douglas Nicholl – a very long time member of Greenbank!
FAIRTRADE GOODS are on sale in the halls after this service.
A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH at 6.30pm tonight – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.
DISTRICT ELDERS Communion invitations, Christmas Fair tickets and financial campaign envelopes are now available for collection from the front of the Centenary Chapel. Communion takes place on Sunday 3rd November.
THE FLOWER COMMITTEE wishes to thank the members of the congregation who kindly volunteered to deliver flowers after the Harvest service. Their help is greatly appreciated.
DISTRICT VISITORS, who have not already done so, should collect copies of Good Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today.
SCRIPTURE UNION BIBLE READING NOTES for the next quarter are available for those who ordered them in the Centenary Chapel.
DISTRICT VISITOR required if you can help contact Gordon Blyth (638 7646).
THE GUILD looks forward to welcoming back Liz Macintyre to address them on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm. Liz always provides a very enjoyable afternoon. Her talk is called, ‘Franklin’s Legs’. Visitors very welcome.
THE FRIENDSHIP CAFÉ meets on Fridays @ 10am, come to the Fraser hall and enjoy tea & chat. B Miller (577 5449)
GREENBANK CHURCH FILM SOCIETY meets on Monday 14th October at 7.30pm in the Session House. The film to be shown is the delightful romantic comedy, ‘Send Me No Flowers’, starring Doris Day and Rock Hudson. All welcome.
VOLUNTEERS to read bible lessons -‘Bible Reader’ list available in Centenary Chapel.
COFFEE MORNING – Glasgow Presbytery Office staff Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support @ Garthamlock and Craigend Parish Church on 22nd November and would welcome any donations of knitted items for one of their stalls. Items can be left at Greenbank’s church office.
CAN YOU RECOMMEND an efficient and reliable house cleaner? Please phone or email the church office with details on 644 1841 or Email: greenbank.office@tiscali.co.uk
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK, or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or who needs prayer, please fill out a POSTCARD (placed on the pews). Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members or posted through the halls letterbox.
EASTWOOD ECUMENICAL PEACE & JUSTICE FORUM-10th October, 7.30-9pm @ Newton Mearns Baptist Church; CROSSREACH – Recruiting now at Williamwood Care Home; GIFFNOCK THEATRE PLAYERS – THE MATCHMAKER – a farce of a play by Thornton Wilder, Eastwood Park Theatre, Wed 16th-Sat 19th October.
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