3rd November Intimations
TEA AND COFFEE is served in the Fraser Hall after the service-all welcome.
THERE WILL BE AMEETING OF THE KIRK SESSION ON MONDAY 4th November. The Agenda and Reports are now available in the Centenary chapel for those who have not received them by email.
AN EVENING COMMUNION SERVICE will take place tonight at 6.30pm. After both communion services there will be a retiring offering on behalf of Greenbank Missionary Fund.
REMEMBRANCE DAY POPPIES are available at the front door of the church and the link building. The retiring offering next Sunday will be in aid of Erskine Hospital.
A PRAYERS FOR HEALING SERVICE will take place in the CHURCH on Sunday, 10th November at 6.30pm – all welcome. Prayer requests can be written on the pew cards and inserted in the Prayer Box at the front door of the church.
SU BIBLE READING MATERIAL 2020 – order forms are available for the reading material from the front of the church and the Link building. Order forms, together with a cheque made payable to Greenbank Parish Church, should be returned to the church by Sunday,17th November at the latest. Ron Livingston (639 2798).
CHRISTMAS FAIR SATURDAY 23RD NOVEMBER – There will be a meeting of anyone helping at the Fair after the service this morning. This is to finalise arrangements Donations for all the various stalls (as outlined in Good Neighbour) can be brought at any time and placed in the box marked “Christmas Fair” in the Hall of Friendship. Your continued support is much appreciated.
THE LODGING HOUSE MISSIONChristmas card collection is on sale after the service in the Fraser Hall (until 8 December). Cards are £4 per pack of 10.
A VERY MERRY CLARKSTON CHRISTMAS – SATURDAY, 16TH NOVEMBER, 12NOON TO 5PM – Greenbank will once again host a tea tent at this event. Volunteers needed to staff the tent at hourly internals during the event and to set up and pack away (car required). If you can help please write your name on the sheet in the Centenary Chapel at the time slot/s of your choosing or contact the church office (644 1841) or greenbank.office@tiscali.co.uk
THREE NEW VISITORS required for the Liaison Group. Each organisation is visited once every session to take the greetings of the Kirk Session and the congregation, to ensure that there are no problems and to offer any help we can. Please consider this prayerfully and contact Jeanette MacKay or the church office if you can help.
SLEEPING BEAUTY THEATRE TRIP – Wednesday 4th December 7.30pm. Please bring the money for your ticket to the church office, send a cheque made payable to Greenbank Parish Church or post through halls’ letterbox asap. [Full price £16, Concession £14]. Thank you.
ARTICLES FOR THE DECEMBER edition of GOOD NEIGHBOUR should be received at the Church Office by Sunday, 10th November.
District Visitors, who have not already done so, are asked to collect their copies of the NovemberGood Neighbour and Life & Work from the room off the transept today please.
DISTRICT VISITORVACANCY –volunteer required for Newton Mearns district (8 homes, some each side of Mearns Cross) contact Margot or Gordon Blyth (638 7646).
MESSY CHURCH requires BUTTONS -Pop donations in box marked ‘BUTTONS’ in halls
Lesley McIlhaggar will be our speaker at the GUILD on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm. Her topic will be Charles Rennie Macintosh. All welcome.
THE FRIENDSHIP CAFÉ Fridays @ 10am, Fraser hall, enjoy tea and chat.
PRACTICES FOR NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS – We warmly invite anyone who wishes to sing with us at this service to come along to the rehearsals at 8pm in the church. This year’s Nine Lessons and Carols service will take place on Sunday, 15th December at 10.30am. For further info please speak to the organist, Peter Howard
THE NEXT MEETING OF THE GREENBANK FILM SOCIETY takes place on Monday, 11th November @ 7.30pm in the Session House (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE). The French psychological thriller, “Le Boucher”, will be shown. This highly acclaimed film, starring Stéphane Audrun and directed by the celebrated, Claude Chabrol, is not to be missed. All welcome.
PRINCE& PRINCESS OF WALES HOSPICE COFFEE MORNING – 9TH NOVEMBER run by the Southside Friends of the Hospice. Giffnock Scout Hall, Arthurlie Drive, G46 6UP, 10am-12noon. Tickets £1 include tea/coffee and homebaking. All welcome.
COFFEE MORNING forMacmillan Cancer Support @ Garthamlock and Craigend Parish Church on 22nd November. Any donations of knitted items for one of the stalls are very welcome. Items can be left at Greenbank’s church office.
ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK, or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or who needs prayer, please complete a POSTCARD (placed on the pews). Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members or posted through the halls letterbox.
ADVENT STUDIES AT ST AIDAN’S on 4 Wednesdays at 11am beginning on 27th November. Led by David Cameron, St Aidan’s Scottish Episcopal Church
ON OUR HALLS’ CORRIDOR NOTICEBOARD ARE DETAILS OF: THE GLASGOW STEDFAST ASSOCIATION concert – the Hamilton Caley Male Voice Choir in Clincarthill Parish Church on 6th November @ 7.30pm. For further info:B. Robertson (585 0008); Runway Theatre Company, 20thDec @ 7.30pm. Clincarthill Parish
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