2nd January Intimations

Church Service Intimations


Church office: office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk / 0141 644 1841. All enquiries will be responded to as soon as possible. Minister: 36 Eaglesham Road Clarkston Glasgow Scotland G76 7DJ Congregation no 160863 Reg Charity No SC011453 www.greenbankglasgow.org.uk

Worship will be led this morning by our Locum Minister, Rev Ruth Halley. Ruth’s usual working pattern is Sunday morning worship, Monday and Tuesday, working at the church and remotely. However, Ruth works flexibly and may be contacted by email at rhalley@churchofscotland.org.uk. In case of an urgent need for a Minister, the church mobile number is 07808 435384.

KIRK SESSION MEETING: There will be a meeting of the Kirk Session on Monday 3rd February at 7.30pm in the Sanctuary. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please sign the apologies sheet on the table in the transept or email the Session Clerk.

COMMUNION: District Elders are advised that their communion invitations can be collected from the manse side of the church. Communion will take place on Sundy 2nd March.

GOOD NEIGHBOUR FOR FEBRUARY: The February edition of the Good Neighbour is now available for delivery by district visitors.

GREENBANK PLAYERS: We have pleasure in inviting you to our next production “Another Evening with Greenbank Players” on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd February in the Cowley Hall at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £12 and include wine/soft drinks and nibbles. They will be available from Liz Smith (0141 571 2676) or any club member in the Fraser Hall after the church service today. It would be helpful if you had the correct money. We hope to see you there for an evening of friendship and fun!

TREE FELLING: The tree felling will be continuing this week. Please note that there may be times when the driveway is blocked for a short time.

BOOKS: The books for sale in the Hall of Friendship will be removed by mid-February. If you would like to take any books, then now is a great time to add to your collection. A small donation would be appreciated. No more donations of books, please.

BIBLE READERS: There are a couple of gaps at the end of March on the bible readers rota sheet. If you are able to help with bible readings, please add your name and contact details to the sheet which is on the table at the back of the transept.

DONATIONS REQUIRED: The Link Building is open for all donations on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.

LHM DONATIONS: These can be put on the trolley in the Link building. At the moment tinned vegetables including potatoes, pot noodles, packet noodles and orange diluting juice are particularly requested. Thank you for all your donations.

GNE FOODBANK: There is always a need for tinned and packet foods (some people are vegetarians), UHT milk, juice and vegetable oil for the foodbank, along with toiletries. We also need undamaged carrier bags to give the packs out please.

KELVINGROVE ORGAN RECITALS: These recitals take place daily at 1.00pm except on Sundays when they are at 3.00pm. Attendance is free of charge. Our organist, Peter Howard, will be performing the recital at Kelvingrove Art Gallery on Saturday 8th February and Saturday 22nd February at 1.00pm. All are welcome to attend.


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