24th November Intimations

Church office: office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk / 0141 644 1841. All enquiries will be responded to as soon as possible. Minister: 36 Eaglesham Road Clarkston Glasgow Scotland G76 7DJ Congregation no 160863 Reg Charity No SC011453 www.greenbankglasgow.org.uk
Our Locum Minister, Rev Ruth Halley, returns from holiday on Sunday 1st December. Ruth’s usual working pattern is Sunday morning worship, Monday and Tuesday, working at the church and remotely. However, Ruth works flexibly and may be contacted by email at rhalley@churchofscotland.org.uk. In case of an urgent need for a Minister, the church mobile number is 07808 435384.
PASTORAL COVER: Anyone requiring the services of a minister from Monday 25th November, please contact the church office on 0141 644 1841 or office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk.
REMEMBRANCE SERVICE: Our annual remembrance service takes place on Sunday 8th December at 11.45 am, for all who wish to remember loved ones no longer with us.
GOOD NEIGHBOUR FOR DECEMBER: The December edition of the Good Neighbour is now available for delivery by district visitors.
AFTER SERVICE TEA: It would be helpful to have some new volunteers to join this rota. If you enjoy having tea and coffee after the service, please consider volunteering to help. New volunteers should contact the church office on 0141 644 1841 or office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk.
GREENBANK BURNS SUPPER: The Burns Supper will be taking place on Sunday 26th January 2025. Tickets will be available on Sunday 24th November in the Fraser Hall after the service. Tickets cost £20.
SUNDAY CLUB GIFT DONATIONS: The Sunday Club would like to invite everyone to please donate a gift to help brighten up what might otherwise be a rather bleak Christmas for some children, young people and families in our city. We are collecting gifts for 3 groups: new born babies and mums at the QEUH Neo-natal unit, eg, new-born clothes including hand-knitted items; children aged 8-12 at Church House, eg, toys, games and art/crafts; young people aged 13-18, eg, supermarket gift cards. Please bring your new, unwrapped gifts to church on Sunday 1st December or put in the box in the link building from Monday 25th November. Thank you for your support and generosity.
CHRISTMAS CARD DROP OFF: Between Sunday 1st December and Sunday 15th December, you may drop off your Christmas cards to people in the congregation who are able to collect them from the Crèche Room (Room C) just off the Hall of Friendship. There will not be a delivery service. Please add the name of the recipient and, if possible, their address to the envelope to ensure it goes to the right person and place it by surname in the correct alphabetical pile. You will also be able to pick up any cards addressed to you from the same place up until Tuesday 24th December.
CHRISTMAS FAYRE: The Congregation, friends of Greenbank and the community are warmly invited to our Christmas Fayre on Saturday 7th December from 10.00am till 12.00pm. Tickets are £3 (children free) and will be on sale following Sunday worship, or can be purchased at the door (cash or card). Church organisations have been invited to run a stall so there will be a great range of things to buy, including delicious chutneys, conserves and home baking. Afterwards you are assured of a lovely cuppa and treats in the Fraser Hall. A donation box is at the link door for anyone wishing to contribute bottles for the choir’s tombola, unwanted gifts or Christmas crafts/items. The church halls will be open on Friday 6th December from 3.30pm till 6.30pm for setting up or to hand in home baking.
MERRY CLARKSTON CHRISTMAS: Thank you so much to all the volunteers ‘manning’ Greenbank’s stall at the Merry Clarkston Christmas Event last week. From tea and coffee donations they raised over £144 – a great effort and a lovely way to connect with the local community. We are very grateful to them all.
PRAYERS FOR HEALING LIST: If anyone knows of someone who should be on the Prayer List, please speak to Gillian Foy or contact the office, so we can make sure that the list is up-to-date. Thanks for your help.
DONATIONS REQUIRED: The Link Building is open for all donations on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.
LHM DONATIONS: Donations can be put on the trolley in the Link building. The LHM was delighted to receive all your gifts of advent calendars. Wool is still needed for the Glasgow Close Knit project. The LHM would be pleased to accept donations for their Christmas gift bags, which they hope to distribute to all their clients. A list of suggested items is on the noticeboard in the halls corridor and copies are on the trolley.
LHM CHRISTMAS CARDS: will be on sale in the Fraser Hall after the service today and next Sunday 1 December. Each pack of 10 cards costs £4.50 with some older cards reduced to £3. New this year are money wallets costing £0.99. It would be really helpful if you brought the correct money..
GNE FOODBANK: There is always a need for tinned and packet foods (some people are vegetarians), UHT milk, juice and vegetable oil for the foodbank, along with toiletries. We also need undamaged carrier bags to give the packs out please.
CHRISTMAS CAROL CELEBRATION: Crossreach will be holding their Christmas Carol Celebration on Thursday 5th December at the Glasgow Cathedral with funds raised going to support the continuing work of Crossreach. Doors open at 6.30pm. Visit the Crossreach website to purchase tickets.
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