22 September Intimations

Church Service Intimations

TODAY WE WELCOME the friends and family of Linda and Brett and their daughter, Heather Eleanor Cameron. Heather will be baptised this morning. We pray that as Heather seeks to follow Jesus, she will know His love and presence in her life.

90KG RICE CHALLENGE! Please buy a 1kg bag of white or brown rice in the Fraser Hall after the service, and help Malawian farmers to pay to educate their children. The price is £3.75 for a bag of fairly traded, great tasting rice. Remember – A bag of rice can change a life! Thank you. Alison Allan

SCRIPTURE UNION BIBLE READING NOTES for the next quarter are available for those who ordered them in the Centenary Chapel today.

CAN YOU RECOMMEND a reliable and efficient cleaner? Please phone or email the church office with details on 644 1841 or Email: greenbank.office@tiscali.co.uk

LUNCH CLUB, Friday 26th September, 12 – 1.15pm. Come and enjoy the company, soup & filled rolls. For transport contact Jan, Maureen or the office on 644 1841.

DISTRICT VISITOR required if you can help contact Margot/Gordon Blyth (638 7646).

THE GUILD begins their new session on Wednesday at 2.15pm. Luckenbooth, a musical group, will be providing entertainment. New members will be very welcome.

135TH GREENBANK CELEBRATION, Saturday 5th October @ 6.30pm, BYOB, fizz reception, fish supper tea, shopping stalls, fun & games. ‘For One Night Only’, after a successful performance at a Greenbank Ladies Night, Stephen Blanchflower’s troupe makes a return appearance! ‘The Runway Theatre Company, who have an enviable reputation for high quality productions from the world of musical theatre will bring the evening to a close with some songs from their repertoire. Tickets £12 from Church Office or Social Committee: L. Dallas, J. Liddell, S. Johnston, E. Johnstone, A. Martin, J. Millar, A. Maclure, S. Inglis, S. Blanchflower or G. Vance.

VOLUNTEERS to read bible lessons -‘Bible Reader’ list available in Centenary Chapel.

ANNUAL CHRISTIAN AIDSPONSORED SWIM Saturday 5th October at Eastwood swimming pool from 6-7.30pm. Sponsor forms from M. Allan and R. Livingston or table in the Hall of Friendship. Under 8s welcome but must be accompanied by adult swimmer. Free entry & refreshments available after event. Mark Allan (638 3916)

ANYONE WHO WISHES TO JOIN OR KNOW MORE ABOUT GREENBANK, or knows someone who would appreciate a visit from the Minister in hospital or wishes to be prayed for, please fill out a POSTCARD (placed on the pews). Completed postcards can be handed to welcome team members or posted through the halls letterbox.


EASTWOOD ECUMENICAL PEACE & JUSTICE FORUM-10th October, 7.30-9pm @ Newton Mearns Baptist Church; CROSSREACH – Recruiting now at Williamwood Care Home; GIFFNOCK THEATRE PLAYERS – THE MATCHMAKER – a farce of a play by Thornton Wilder, Eastwood Park Theatre, Wed 16th-Sat 19th October.



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