1st October Intimations

Church Service Intimations


  •   DONATIONS FOR TEA AND COFFEE go to our Crisis fund
  •   SUNDAY CLUB & JAM welcome all children and young people from 3-18 years. Trailblazers and Sunday Squad meet in the halls at

    10.20am before coming into church for the first part of the service. JAM meet from 10.20 am in the centre pews at the front of the


  •   COSY Café – Cosy Café needs more helpers! It runs on Friday afternoons, for young people from local secondary schools. 2 helpers are

    needed each week from 2.45 – 4pm. Helpers make the toast and hot chocolate and chat with the young people. About 15-20 well- behaved, cheery young people come along each week. If you are able to help, or have any questions, please contact the church office on 644 1841, or office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk

  •   GREENBANK LADIES BADMINTON CLUB All new members would be made most welcome please call 07806434321 for more information.



  Friday 27th October sip and shop craft fair. Tickets are £5 and include a glass of Prosecco or orange juice. Fizzy water and coffee/tea will also be available. Tickets will be on sale after worship, from the church office or payable at the door on the night.
Saturday 25th November 10 till 12 Christmas Fayre in the church halls. Church organisations have been contacted to see if they want to have a stall. There will be the tearoom, raffle, tombola and children’s activities. We are blessed to have many talented people amongst our congregation and the social committee would be happy to receive donations of homemade jam, tablet or handmade Christmas crafts or knitted items. Also, donations of home baking would be most welcome the night before in the kitchen (7 till 7.30) or on the morning of. Saturday 18th November ‘A Very Merry Clarkston Christmas’ Greenbank will once again be hosting a refreshments stall at this annual Clarkston Community event.

Friday 8th December Clarkston Community annual Christmas concert.

  Church Choir All are very welcome to join us; you don’t have to be able to read music or have sung in a choir before. For more

information please speak to Peter Howard.

  Carolside nursery weekly visits are recommencing on Thursday the 5th October at 1pm. This is an intergenerational project for the

children. We play games and do art with the children and they sometimes sing for us. If you are interested in helping with this please

come along. For further information please call Ronnie McNeill on 01415776503.

  The Presbytery of Glasgow are holding a Big Brunch on Friday, 6th October 2023 from 10am-12 noon at the Renfield Centre, 260 Bath

Street in aid of The Brain Tumour Charity. Your attendance and support would be greatly appreciated.

  Our organist, Peter Howard, will be giving the organ recital at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum on Saturday 7th October at 1pm.

Please go along if you can and give Peter your support.

  BIBLE READER There is a new Bible reading rota sheet in the Centenary Chapel for this quarter’s Bible readings. If you wish to volunteer,

please add your name and contact details to it.

  THE BOOK CLUB Saturday book club will next meet on Saturday the 7th of October we will discuss chapter 4 of Karen Armstrong’s book

“The Case for God “. New members will be most welcome so please come along, we are a friendly group. Meeting starts at 09:30or09:15 if you want to join us for breakfast (bring a cup if you would like tea or coffee). We meet in the creche just off the hall of friendship. For more information contact Ronnie McNeill on 0141 577 6503.

  DONATIONS REQUIRED [Link building is open for all donations on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday mornings.] Lodging House Mission – Donations required, especially UHT milk, kettle foods e.g. pot noodles and tinned soup e.g. tomato, chicken and mushroom, can be put on the trolley in the Link building. Sugar, toiletries, clothing, bedding, duvets and towels are not required at the moment. Donations trolley is in link building.
Glasgow North East Foodbank – Donations required, Nutritious foodstuffs required: tinned meat (not Fray Bentos), tinned fruit & veg, UHT milk & juice, diluting juice, tinned & packet potato (mash), tinned rice & custard, packet custard, pasta sauces, pasta, tinned tomatoes, biscuits, Toiletries; nappies & baby wipes.

  LEGACY PROJECT The projected timeline is noted below. If you wish more information please direct your enquiry to the church office in the first instance. For information about how you can financially support the project please contact Greenbank Treasurer, Alistair Smith at alistairsmith@ntlworld.com
The Legacy Project Group continue to apply for grants for the legacy project. We are delighted to inform you that we have recently received a £10,000 funding grant from The Baird Trust. This is encouraging and further updates will be provided in due course if further grants are received. Overall grants totalling £72,000 have been awarded and £46,000 of this sum has been received to date. Over the summer we have been working on applications to grant awarding bodies that had required planning permission to be in place before considering an application. We have just received the wonderful news from the Benefact Trust that they have awarded us £152,000. This is very welcome news and a great encouragement to us all to keep pressing on. The Benefact Trust is a very large, christian grant making trust that supports churches and other organisations throughout the UK.


Detailed design
Building warrant application
Construction information and tendering
Completion of land sale and contractor appointment Start of construction

Completion and Handover PHASE 2 – SANCTUARY Start of construction Completion & handover

June-Oct 2023
Dec 2023
Dec 2023- May 2024 May 2024
July 2024

May 2025

June 2025

April 2026


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