15th December Intimations
Church office: office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk / 0141 644 1841. All enquiries will be responded to as soon as possible. Minister: 36 Eaglesham Road Clarkston Glasgow Scotland G76 7DJ Congregation no 160863 Reg Charity No SC011453 www.greenbankglasgow.org.uk
Worship will be led this morning by our Locum Minister, Rev Ruth Halley. Ruth’s usual working pattern is Sunday morning worship, Monday and Tuesday, working at the church and remotely. However, Ruth works flexibly and may be contacted by email at rhalley@churchofscotland.org.uk. In case of an urgent need for a Minister, the church mobile number is 07808 435384.
CHRISTMAS SERVICES: Next week’s Sunday service will be a family service including the Nativity. On Christmas Eve there is a Children’s Christingle Service at 6.30pm, and a Watchnight Service starting at 11.30pm. Please note, there will not be a service on Christmas Day.
FUTURE RETIRING OFFERING: The retiring offering on Sunday 22nd December and the Christmas Eve services will be for CHAS – Children’s Hospices Across Scotland.
AFTER SERVICE TEA: We are still seeking new volunteers to join this rota. If you enjoy having tea and coffee after the service, please consider volunteering to help. Even if you are able to be a ‘reserve’ for times when volunteers need to swap and are finding it difficult to find a replacement, that would be great. New volunteers (including ‘reserve list’) should contact the church office on 0141 644 1841 or office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk.
THE 2025 FWO ENVELOPES: have now been placed in the Church and are ready for District Elders to collect. If anybody no longer requires their envelopes then please return them to me and I will arrange to remove them from the list. Colin McAughtrie, FWO Convenor
GREENBANK BURNS SUPPER: The Burns Supper will be taking place on Sunday 26th January 2025. Tickets will be available on Sunday 15th December in the Fraser Hall after the service. Tickets cost £20.
BIBLE READERS: There is a new bible readers rota sheet for January-March on the table at the back of the transept. If you are able to help with bible readings, please add your name and contact details to the sheet.
CHRISTMAS CARD DROP OFF: This Sunday (15th Dec) is the last day you may drop off your Christmas cards to people in the congregation who are able to collect them from the Crèche (Room C) just off the Hall of Friendship. There will not be a delivery service. Please put the recipient’s name and address on the envelope to ensure it goes to the right person and place it by surname in the correct alphabetical pile. You will also be able to pick up any cards addressed to you from the same place up until Tuesday 24th December.
LEGACY PROJECT UPDATE: At this time of year, we often look back and take stock of what has been achieved but also look ahead to all that is to come. It is ten years since the Kirk Session started out on the work that would become known as our Legacy Project. When you look back over that time, interrupted as it was by Covid and impacted by the tremendous rises in inflation that we have all experienced, a lot has been achieved. We agreed a contract for the sale of the land to the north, the Clarkston Toll side of the church, on which a much-needed care home will be built. We have designed and secured planning permission for a new extension to the south of the church that will provide updated accommodation, toilets, kitchen, gathering and office space. The broken heating system in the church has been replaced, the pews and pulpit removed and the whole sanctuary carpeted. We have gathered over £1million in pledges from members, fundraising activities of many kinds, gift aid and grants. Along the way, our plans have been endorsed by Presbytery, and financial support, encouragement and practical technical advice has been received from the General Trustees of the Church of Scotland in Edinburgh. Finally, in the last two weeks we have issued tenders to contractors who have expressed an interest in building our new extension.
Looking ahead, if all goes according to plan, we will be able to assess the bids mid-January. The Kirk Session will then make a decision on the successful bidder with work starting in the spring. It is estimated that the construction will take about twelve months. As soon as a decision is made, we will provide full details of the plans so that we can all visualise what will be built.
Much of the talk within the church in Scotland at the moment often seems very negative and pessimistic. However, as Greenbank moves into 2025, we do so with a renewed enthusiasm and hope for the future. The vision we have shared and nurtured together for so long, of a sustainable worshipping congregation of God’s people serving our community for years to come, moves ever closer to being realised.
BOOKS: The books for sale in the Hall of Friendship will be removed by mid-February, if you would like to take any books, then now is a great time to add to your collection or buy some last minute presents! A small donation would be appreciated. No more donations of books, please.
DONATIONS REQUIRED: The Link Building is open for all donations on Mon, Wed, Thu and Sun mornings.
LHM DONATIONS: Donations can be put on the trolley in the Link Building. Today is the last opportunity to donate items for the Christmas gift bags, which the LHM hopes to distribute to all their clients. UHT milk, diluting juice, kettle foods and toiletries are always needed. Many thanks for all your donations.
GNE FOODBANK: There is always a need for tinned and packet foods (some people are vegetarians), UHT milk, juice and vegetable oil for the foodbank, along with toiletries. We also need undamaged carrier bags to give the packs out please.
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