13th October Intimations

Church Service Intimations


Church office: office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk / 0141 644 1841. All enquiries will be responded to as soon as possible. Minister: 36 Eaglesham Road Clarkston Glasgow Scotland G76 7DJ Congregation no 160863 Reg Charity No SC011453 www.greenbankglasgow.org.uk

Our Locum Minister, Rev Ruth Halley, returns from holiday on Monday 14th October. Ruth’s usual working pattern is Sunday morning worship, Monday and Tuesday, working at the church and remotely. However, Ruth works flexibly and may be contacted by email at rhalley@churchofscotland.org.uk. In case of an urgent need for a Minister, the church mobile number is 07808 435384.

RETIRING OFFERING: There will be a retiring offering taken today and on Sunday 20th October in aid of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL), a partner church of the Church of Scotland . This is following on from a letter received from the Moderator of the Church of Scotland to all congregations, asking that we pray for and support the NESSL.

BIBLE READERS: There is a new bible readers rota sheet for October-December on the table at the back of the transept. If you are able to help with bible readings, please add your name and contact details to the sheet.

HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE: Many thanks to all those who donated so generously to the LHM. Gifts of food, which are used to replenish their supplies for the winter months, as well as a beautiful bouquet of flowers, were delivered on Tuesday. A total of £757.51 (£112.75 of which was Gift Aid) was raised at the retiring offering. The LHM is very appreciative of the kindness shown to them by Greenbank Church members at this time and throughout the year.

SATURDAY MORNING BOOK CLUB – ADVANCE NOTICE: We are now looking at the final chapter of Timothy Keller’s book “Encounters with Jesus”, “The Courage of Mary”, for our meeting on Saturday 9th November. We meet at 10.00am in the crèche, just off the Hall of Friendship. New members would be most welcome. For further information please contact Ronnie McNeill on 0141 577 6503.

DONATIONS REQUIRED: The Link Building is open for all donations on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.

LHM DONATIONS: Donations for the LHM can be put on the trolley in the Link building. There is an urgent need at the moment for men’s underwear (especially sizes S and M) and ladies underwear (sizes S, M and L). Wool is still required for the LHM’s new project in 2025. All donations are very much appreciated.

GNE FOODBANK: There is always a need for tinned and packet foods (some people are vegetarians), UHT milk and juice for the foodbank, along with toiletries. We also need undamaged carrier bags to give the packs out please.


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