12th January 25 Intimations

Church Service Intimations


Church office: office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk / 0141 644 1841. All enquiries will be responded to as soon as possible. Minister: 36 Eaglesham Road Clarkston Glasgow Scotland G76 7DJ Congregation no 160863 Reg Charity No SC011453 www.greenbankglasgow.org.uk

PASTORAL COVER: Anyone requiring the services of a minister from Monday 13th January, please contact the church office on 0141 644 1841 or office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk.

KIRK SESSION MEETING: There will be a meeting of the Kirk Session on Sunday 19th January at 11.45am, following the service.

It is with sadness that we announce the death of one of our members, Mr Harry L Watson of Balmoral Care Home, on Saturday 28th December 2024. Harry’s funeral service is being held on Thursday 16th January at the Linn Crematorium at 12-noon. All are welcome to attend (bright colours welcome). Please remember Harry’s family and friends in your prayers at this sad time.

GREENBANK BURNS SUPPER: The last day to purchase tickets for the Greenbank Burns Supper will be today, Sunday 12th January 2025. Tickets will be available in the Fraser Hall after the service. Tickets cost £20.

SATURDAY BOOK CLUB: The next book we are looking at is “The Lord of Psalm 23: Jesus Our Shepherd, Companion, and Host” by David Gibson. We are meeting on Saturday 1st February 2025 at 10.00am in the crèche, just off the hall of friendship, when we will be looking at the 1st chapter. New members would be very welcome. For further information contact Ronnie McNeill on 077960 02517.

BOOKS: The books for sale in the Hall of Friendship will be removed by mid-February. If you would like to take any books, then now is a great time to add to your collection. A small donation would be appreciated. No more donations of books, please.

THE 2025 FWO ENVELOPES: There are a few envelopes left in the transept for collection by District Elders, specifically Districts 5, 14, 22 and 41. If envelopes are no longer required, then please mark them “no longer required” and I will arrange to remove them from the list. Thank you. Colin McAughtrie, FWO Convenor

SNOW CLEARING VOLUNTEERS: We are looking for volunteers who can help clear snow around the church entrances on Sunday mornings, when required. If you would be willing to be part of the WhatsApp group being set up to be used on snowy mornings, please contact Malcolm Pickard (malcolmpickard@btinternet.com) or the church office (office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk).

AFTER SERVICE TEA: We are still seeking new volunteers to join this rota. If you enjoy having tea and coffee after the service, please consider volunteering to help. Even if you are able to be a ‘reserve’ for times when volunteers need to swap and are finding it difficult to find a replacement, that would be great. New volunteers (including ‘reserve list’) should contact the church office by calling 0141 644 1841 or emailing office@greenbankglasgow.org.uk.

BIBLE READERS: There is a new bible readers rota sheet for January-March on the table at the back of the transept. If you are able to help with bible readings, please add your name and contact details to the sheet.

DONATIONS REQUIRED: The Link Building is open for all donations on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.

LHM DONATIONS: Donations can be put on the trolley in the Link building. UHT milk, diluting juice, kettle foods and toiletries are always needed. Your donations are very much appreciated.

GNE FOODBANK: There is always a need for tinned and packet foods (some people are vegetarians), UHT milk, juice and vegetable oil for the foodbank, along with toiletries. We also need undamaged carrier bags to give the packs out please.


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